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Total Records: 30 - Group: BBB / Category: FOOD PRODUCTS / Subcategory: CHEESE
Record Name
1Bag 'o Cheese THE SIMPSONS 1989 Animated SeriesFood ProductsCheese

Bag 'o Cheese
Snack product on the shelf at Kwik-E-Mart.

2Bart Simpson Cheese THE SIMPSONS 1989 Animated SeriesFood ProductsCheese

Bart Simpson Cheese
Bart Simpson-themed merchandise that KrustCo Enterprises sells when Barts gets famous, known as "The I Didn't Do It Boy".

3Brenner Lowfat Cottage Cheese THE EARL HAYS PRESS 1915 OtherFood ProductsCheese

Brenner Lowfat Cottage Cheese
Food product created by the prop house Earl Hayes Press.

4Brill Cheese STAR TREK: VOYAGER 1995 TV SeriesFood ProductsCheese

Brill Cheese
Neelix tells Tuvok about the brill cheese he made from schplict as part of his plan to make macaroni and cheese for a crew member.

5Chedd White & Blue SAUSAGE PARTY 2016 Animated FilmFood ProductsCheese

Chedd White & Blue
Cheddar cheese product sold at Shopwell's, visible in the MILF's shopping cart, and then the MILF's kitchen.

6Cheese TWO AND A HALF MEN 2003 TV SeriesFood ProductsCheese

When Charlie runs out of money, he's forced to buy generic products in bulk, including Toilet Paper, Cheese, Vodka and Orange Drink Mix - which he uses to make a screwdriver for Evelyn.

7Cheese Tease THE INCREDIBLE SHRINKING WOMAN 1981 FilmFood ProductsCheese

Cheese Tease
Canned cheese product. It's good on anything, and has a shelf life of 12 years.

8Choco Cheese THE SIMPSONS 1989 Animated SeriesFood ProductsCheese

Choco Cheese
Snack product on the shelf at Kwik-E-Mart.

9Cottage Cheese THE SIMPSONS 1989 Animated SeriesFood ProductsCheese

Cottage Cheese
When Bart gets dangerously overweight, Marge feeds him a heart healthy snack - generic cottage cheese.

10Cream Cheese THE EARL HAYS PRESS 1915 OtherFood ProductsCheese

Cream Cheese
Generic cream cheese product.

11Eugenio's Four Cheese Frozen Pizza COMMUNITY 2009 TV SeriesFood ProductsCheese

Eugenio's Four Cheese Frozen Pizza
Reviewed by Leonard online.

12Feta Cheese THE EARL HAYS PRESS 1915 OtherFood ProductsCheese

Feta Cheese
Generic food product.

13Fish Whiz ALF 1986 TV SeriesFood ProductsCheese

Fish Whiz
Snack food product ALF mentions, apparently similar to Cheez Whiz, but made with fish instead of cheese.

14Fresh Mozzarella Balls THE EARL HAYS PRESS 1915 OtherFood ProductsCheese

Fresh Mozzarella Balls
Cheese product.

15Goat Cheese THE EARL HAYS PRESS 1915 OtherFood ProductsCheese

Goat Cheese
Generic food product.

16Insta-cheez THE PRETENDER 1996 TV SeriesFood ProductsCheese

Food product at the firehouse where Jarod pretends to be a fireman. Aerosol cheese-like imitation food product. "Official food of the Fighting 16th".

17Le Roi Puant Roquefort Cheese SAUSAGE PARTY 2016 Animated FilmFood ProductsCheese

Le Roi Puant Roquefort Cheese
Cheese product sold at Shopwell's, visible during the food orgy.

18Meichtry Cream Cheese THE EARL HAYS PRESS 1915 OtherFood ProductsCheese

Meichtry Cream Cheese
Food product created by the prop house Earl Hayes Press.

19Moe's Mac & Cheese UNDER THE DOME 2013 TV SeriesFood ProductsCheese

Moe's Mac & Cheese
Product seen in the food sharing pantry that Julia organizes.

20Mr. Cheese THE EARL HAYS PRESS 1915 OtherFood ProductsCheese

Mr. Cheese
Food product created by the prop house Earl Hayes Press. Spray cheese in a can.

21Muenster Madness ALF 1986 TV SeriesFood ProductsCheese

Muenster Madness
Cheese product #37 in the cheese log issue of the a food catalog.

22Muy Queso SAUSAGE PARTY 2016 Animated FilmFood ProductsCheese

Muy Queso
Cheese product sold at Shopwell's, from scene between the shelves.

23The Nell Carter Ball ALF 1986 TV SeriesFood ProductsCheese

The Nell Carter Ball
Cheese product in the cheese log issue of the a food catalog.

24Oshkonoggin Cheese PLANES, TRAINS & AUTOMOBILES 1987 FilmFood ProductsCheese

Oshkonoggin Cheese
Cheese in the truck that Neal and Del ride in back to Chicago.

25Pendrashian Cheese STAR TREK: VOYAGER 1995 TV SeriesFood ProductsCheese

Pendrashian Cheese
Cheese that Neelix mentions to his old friend Laxeth that he apparently received in trade during a previous transaction.

26Rengazo STAR TREK: VOYAGER 1995 TV SeriesFood ProductsCheese

Cheese that Nellix includes in his scrambled porakan eggs dish.

27Schnauz Farms Extra Sharp Cheddar BETTER CALL SAUL 2015 TV SeriesFood ProductsCheese

Schnauz Farms Extra Sharp Cheddar
Cheese product in Marion's grocery store scene, named for writer and director Thomas Schnauz.

28Tandy Cheese THE LAST MAN ON EARTH 2015 TV SeriesFood ProductsCheese

Tandy Cheese
Joke Tandy makes.

29Tomoo SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE 1975 TV SeriesFood ProductsCheese

Tofu made from beef and cheese. Product that, despite the pandemic, Bartenson's Grocery Store still has available in abundance.

30Yellow Bonnet PHILIP K. DICK'S ELECTRIC DREAMS 2017 TV SeriesFood ProductsCheese

Yellow Bonnet
Cheese product that Philbert Noyce's friends at the auto factory recommend, on account of the pretty girl in the advertisements.

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